(Enterprise customers with access to Trimble Maps Account Manager only.)

Trimble Maps is offering CoPilot customers a free trial of its new, hyperlocal predictive weather service. The service helps drivers plan ahead to avoid potential delays and hazardous road conditions. It looks for weather conditions along the driver's planned route, and it issues alerts if the driver is expected to encounter weather-related challenges. 

How to enroll

Your Trimble Maps account representative may contact you about participating in the trial. You can also contact us directly if you are interested. 

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email that confirms your 30-day trial.

Assign weather licenses to your assets

After you are enrolled in the trial, you need to assign weather licenses to your assets (vehicle or drivers) in Trimble Maps Account Manager in order for weather information to appear on your CoPilot devices.

Log in to Account Manager and:

  1. Click the Assets tab to open the Assets screen.
  2. Check the box next to the name/ID of each of the assets you would like to assign weather licenses. You can select an individual asset, one at a time, or bulk select all of your assets by checking the box at the top of the Assets column. 
  3. After checking at least one asset, buttons that allow you to Assign or Un-Assign licenses appear at the top of the Assets panel. 
  4. Click Assign
  5. Select the CoPilot Truck license type that displays Weather and Trip Management badges.
  6. The Assign Assets dialog opens. Click Assign to add weather licenses to your assets.
  7. The weather service will be available the next time CoPilot is shut down and restarted on a device with a weather license.
  8. No action is required to cancel at the end of the 30-day trial. Please contact us if you would like to discuss continuing with a weather subscription. 

Read more about how the weather service works in CoPilot, or learn how to customize alerts in Account Manager.