HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetError(int *errno)

errno: a pointer to an integer into which the current error # will be placed

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetErrorString(int errorCode, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *numchars)

errCode: an errorCode returned by an API function (or PCRSGetError)

buffer: character buffer into which message (error desc.) will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into ‘buffer’

numchars: actual # of bytes copied to ‘buffer’

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSSetDebug(int level, int *oldLevel) (Deprecated in Version 22)

level: new debug level setting got DLL (0 - 19, 19 produces most debug messages)

oldLevel: pointer into which the previous debug level will be placed


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetDebug(int *debugLev) (Deprecated in Version 22)

debugLev: pointer into which the current debug level will be placed

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSAbout (const char *which, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *numchars)

which: string identifying the product version/name information desired (e.g. “ProductName”, “ProductVersion”). The product version is defined in the “PCRWINxx\user.cfg” file.

buffer: character buffer into which message (About info) will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into ‘buffer’

numchars: actual # of bytes copied to ‘buffer’

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSSendAboutInfo ()  (Deprecated in Version 22)