After starting the various instances of pcmsock.exe, you can test them from a Command prompt. Type:
C: <Enter>
CD \“ALK Technologies”\ALKMVS <Enter>
Mvtest<space>all <Enter>
If a particular version is failing, each PC*MILER version TCP/IP subdirectory contains pcmstest.exe, which will test the PC*MILER Connect (pcmsrv32.dll) level of the installation.
If you get an error running pcmstest.exe, it is commonly a configuration issue with the DLLPath value in that version’s pcmserve.ini file.
If the DLLPath value is valid you should then run the desktop program (pcmwin32.exe or alk.pcmiler.exe for V27 or higher) for that version to rule out a problem with the PC*MILER Highway/Street Level databases. If pcmwin32.exe or alk.pcmiler.exe errors occur, you will have to uninstall and reinstall that version of PC*MILER.
Other Tests
You can also use Telnet or putty.exe to test an instance of pcmsock.exe to rule out a problem at the pcmmv.dll level:
1. Start=>Run=>Telnet
You should get ‘ALK Server Ready’ back.
2. Enter: PCMSNewTrip() which returns a trip handle; then PCMSCalcTrip(trip,10001,90009); then PCMSDeleteTrip(trip).
You should get roughly 2800 miles back.
3. There is no kill command, you must exit the Telnet session.
If mvtest.exe is failing and the Telnet test is working, it could be that you need a delay in the Startmvs.bat file between the launching of the various pcmsock.exe’s.
For example:
After copying the delay.exe (included in the ALKMVS.exe) to C:\Windows, edit the Startmvs.bat as follows:
cd \pmw190\tcpip
start pcmsock19 PC_MILER 8190
delay 2
cd \pmw200\tcpip
start pcmsock20 PC_MILER 8200
delay 2
cd \ “Program Files”\ “Alk Technologies”\pmw210\tcpip
start pcmsock210 PC_MILER 8210
delay 2
et cetera
Bind Failed Errors
"Bind Failed" errors are indicative of port conflicts. If you get a Bind Fail error on initial launch, you will need to change the port number for that version in pcmmv.ini and startmvs.bat.
If you are getting a Bind Failed error on a subsequent launching of a version of pcmsock.exe, it is caused by the previous instance not closing properly and it will need to be killed in Task Manager (right-click on the Windows tool bar and select Task Manager > Processes tab > [right-click on pcmsock.exe] > End Process) or by running killmvs.bat.