
int PCMSGetStopType(Trip trip, int which, int *type)


Trip trip – Handle to a trip.

int which – The stop on the trip for which the type is requested. Stop number 0 is the origin.

int *type – 1 if there is a street address or latitude/longitude, 0 if not.


Determines what type of stop was added to the trip, making it easier to know how to parse the returned results.

Return Values

Returns the type of a stop in a trip.


Sample Code 

Trip trip = PCMSNewTrip(server);
PCMSAddStop(trip, "12345");
PCMSAddStop(trip, "18974;1174 nassau road");
void DumpStops(Trip trip)
char buf[BUFLEN];
std::cout << " Dumping stops..." << std::endl;
int nStops = PCMSNumStops(trip);
for (int iStop = 0; iStop < nStops; ++iStop)
int type = -1;
PCMSGetStop(trip, iStop, buf, BUFLEN);
PCMSGetStopType(trip, iStop, &type);
std::cout << " " << iStop << ") " << buf << " (" << type << ")" << std::endl;

Deprecated: PC*MILER|Connect 32

Category: Trip Management