To use RouteSync with PC*MILER Connect, it must be licensed and installed along with the Streets add-on. Street-level routing must also be turned on. The following APIs can then be used with RouteSync:

  • PCMSCreateManagedRouteMsgBytes creates a RouteSync message (blob) to send a route from PC*MILER Connect to a CoPilot client. You must also specify the actual route by providing a “bread crumb” trail of latitude/longitude values. 
  • PCMSGetAFMsgBytes creates a RouteSync message (blob) to send avoid/favor data from a PC*MILER client to a CoPilot Truck client.

By default, PC*MILER Connect is configured to run in highway-only mode for rating purposes, but RouteSync requires that you turn on street-level routing with PCMSSetRouteLevel.

NOTE: If an API call returns -1 (failure), first check that you are licensed for RouteSync. A RouteSync message will not be created if Override Restrictions is enabled in the PC*MILER user interface or in the pcmserve.ini file.